I am just learning how to use this website, so I thought I would attempt a photo. This is Mrs. B and Mr. B (or should I say Dr. B now?) after the graduation ceremony at the University of Wisconsin on May 13. Mr. B turned in his PhD Thesis on Monday, and he defends it on Friday. Then he is officially done! Yay! And you think the school year is long--try going to school until you are 32 years old! :)
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Dr. B! Love how J always makes goofy faces in pictures.
Can't wait to visit you in Paris next year (gotta make a point of it now). Also, excited to see you as a blogger!
i want to know about the masters in professional french studies at wisconsin , madison, u have ANY idea
thank you.
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A reminder: this blog is for my former students. Negative comments such as this will not be tolerated. Please stop wasting my time.
To anonymous re: masters studies.
Please check out the University of Wisconsin Madison's department of French Studies. The website is http://frit.lss.wisc.edu/frit/.
I do not have any degrees from UW Madison. My husband does. Good luck.
Excellent, that was really well explained and helpful
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