OK!!! We are here, we made it and we are exhausted. I am typing on a french keyboard, which is different, so please forgive mistakes!
We landed Thursday, and were immediately met by a taxi driver who gave us lots of info and help (and had a van big enough for our stuff and our dog, which is important!) The airport part was easy, which was a relief due to our jet lag. Since we slept on th plane, we stayed up until 7 that night and the next day wasn't too bad. France is 5 hours ahead of us, so now it is 7:44 PM here, while it is 12:44 in Madison.
We spent 6 hours Friday waiting for Dr B's pay at the agency EGIDE with no magazines, no tv, nothing to do---and people said "6 hours--not bad!" AAACK!!!
Saturday we did some shopping to prepare to buy things for our new apartment, which we got the keys for today (Monday), and Sunday we spent at the Louvre museum (which is free the first Sunday of the month) and walking in the area of the Seine river and the Ile de la Cite, which is where the beautiful church Notre Dame is. I can't wait to explore more!!! We only saw a tiny part of the museum, though we were there for 4.5 hours. Yes, we did see the Mona Lisa (La Joconde in French) but I was more impressed by the building itself and the Tuileries gardens that stretch towards the Champs-Elysees. From one spot, I could see the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Obelisque, the Louvre, and the Tuileries Gardens. Amazing.
Today we bought a klic-klac, which is a sort of couch/bed combination (but nicer than a futon) which we will have delivered Wednesday, and our electricity, plumbing, and clothes washer will be checked and hooked up on Saturday. Now if we can get a phone and internet, we'll be in business!
I will write more soon--especially when I can use my own computer!
Hugs to all back in the US. We are especially thinking of our New Orleans friends now, and praying for their well-being.
A bientot!
PS Lucy is well, but is the biggest dog I have seen here. She does not like the lack of grass around here one bit, but is being a very good girl.
Yay Ronica and Jeff! I am so glad to hear from you! Dad said he had talked to you and that things had gone very well. I am glad you are getting settled in and had a chance to enjoy some fun on Sunday. :) Did Jeff start his job yesterday (Monday)?
Have fun making your home in France and hugs to all three of you! Email or call when you can. :)
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