Wooooooo HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, internet at home. I am so excited I can barely stand it. It has been quite a challenge, getting internet, phone, bank accounts, etc. in France. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say things in France happen at their own pace, whether you like it or not, and you just have to deal with it. They even have a special verb for that--"patienter" which means, basically, to patient yourself--be patient. Not always easy, but we've got it and I am thrilled!
I am writing from the floor of our apartment near the Place d'Italie, finishing a lunch of "Velouté de 8 Legumes (amazing puréed veggie soup out of a carton that tastes like heaven), pain au céréales (multigrain bread), terrine de Campagne (from a jar-- a type of meat mixture that looks kind of nasty but tastes like my Mom's meatloaf, only spreadable. My sister will understand just how wonderful that is!!!) Camembert cheese, green olives, cornichons (super sour pickles), and flan caramel for dessert (which you can buy in little cups next to the yogurt section of the supermarket--50 centimes for 4--that's like 60 cents for 4 flan!)
Oh yes, and I am still American--I wash all that down with "Coca Light"--France's diet Coke! (Frankly, lots of the french drink it, so they shouldn't be so snooty about us enjoying Coke!) Lucy is trying to sleep next to me, but would really rather be eating the rest of the Camembert, so she is pretending to sleep and hoping I'll toss her a chunk of cheese.
We've got a bed/couch now, and are waiting for the rest of our furniture to be delivered. I am looking forward to having a table to eat at, and drawers for my clothes. Suitcases are great for a few days, but they sure get messy after a few weeks!
Note to friends and family--we have unlimited calling to the US on our new phone service, so if you want me to call, send a email note with a good time to phone you and I will. Our bill is the same no matter how much I call, so let me call you rather than you paying for international rates. Remember we are 7 hours ahead, so don't ask me to call you at 8 PM your time--that's 3 AM here. I like you all, but not enough to get up in the middle of the night. ;)
The photo above was from a day I spent by myself, playing tourist. I didn't go up in the Tower (I'll save that for a day when someone visits, hint hint), but took photos and enjoyed the beautiful area. The Peace Memorial there is quite striking. Also was able to get my membership at the American Library in Paris, which is wonderful. I am currently knee-deep in a thick novel about the War of the Roses in England.
I am going to post this now, and see if it works, before posting more about our adventures the last two and a half weeks. I have a lot of catching up to do! And I haven't even told you about my new job! (Yes, I already found a job. Amazing! That guardian angel of mine, she's pretty unbelievable, let me tell you...)
Hope all are well stateside--I miss you all!
Mrs. B (or should I say "Madame B" now?) BTW--you should hear the french try to say our last name--it's pretty hilarious. A very proper English name that was not meant for the Gallic tongue, I am afraid...
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