Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bread Fussy

I know I really live here now.

I am starting to distinguish between bakeries.

And not just supermarket vs. frozen dough vs. artisan.

I am starting to choose which artisanal baker I like and walk 7 blocks out of my way to get the bread I prefer a little more.


And unfortunately, the bread I wanted today at the one I walked out of my way for isn't baked on Tuesdays.


But, their multigrain baguette is a close second. Crunchy, crisp crust with pointy ends, and grainy, perfectly chewy but not too chewy so your mouth hurts interior. Lots of great flavor, but tastes just as good topped with a slab of Reblochon cheese.

You hate me now, don't you?



At 2:31 PM, October 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are really enjoying the new city! Good on ya. FYI...cousin Jennie & Jaison Freed in Fargo had a baby boy - Michael Robert last Tuesday.

I love reading your blog R, but tell that cousin of mine that we would love to hear his point of view too! Where is Jeff's Blog??!! LOL.

Stephanie in Toronto

At 8:36 PM, October 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, pretty much am jealous to the core now. Here in Williston you have your choice of Sweetheart bread or store brand bread. Artisan bread? Only if it's 4 days old and shipped here on a truck! :) But on the plus side, I do know how to make my own, so if I found the time, I could do that. Still... yup, I'm jealous... sigh....
Your cuz in Williston

At 2:08 AM, October 19, 2005, Blogger Ronica said...

MagE: yeah, well, Dr. Sears said the french eat Zone all the time anyway, due to portion size and stuff. OK, I am just saying that because I feel guilty, but, oh well. It's just sooooo good.

Steph: he's making the euros. No time. And you know him--he'd get obsessed.

CuzW: well, does it make you feel better if I say all the grapes have seeds? It is kind of irritating...


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