Bachelorette on a Cleaning Spree
OK, attempted a cool title, didn't succeed. Sorry.
Since Dr. B is out of town, I have been on my own for the last 2 days. Expected to be woken at the crack of dawn by a cold, wet nose, but was surprised that she held it until 10:30--which meant I woke up REALLY late. Oops. It's tough when the metal shade is down--it's pitch black and 8 AM feels like 2 AM. Oh well.
Got a call from my good friend R in Germany, and set up some plans for the near future for visits there and here. Then began the big push to clean the place, which involves putting everything up high and sweeping and mopping, followed by leaving the windows wide open so it dries faster (and having really cold feet!) Lucy, of course, was not happy about this at all, and insisted on accompanying me on my errands (post, pharmacie, bricorama) afterward. She knocked over the telephone in the pharmacy, got in everyone's way in Bricorama, and then insisted on a long walk before we went to get the girls from school. When we approached the school, a cold rain started to fall, making our walk home pretty miserable.
After work, the bus was again late (like last night--25 minutes late!), the rain was even colder, and when I finally got near home, I needed to stop at the grocery again.
OK, I didn't need to, but I wanted a glass of wine, some chocolate, and some chevre (goat cheese) and was cranky enough not to be able to talk myself out of it.
But now, after a few chocolates, a delightful glass of Bordeaux, a bowl of velouté de potiron (pumpkin soup), some pavé aux amandes (multigrain bread with almonds), chevre, cornichons (my favorite super sour pickles) and a chicken patty, I am pretty happy with the world again.
PS--Please, no flak about the chicken patty. I was cranky and hungry and it looked good.
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