Tuesday, November 29, 2005

New Gloves

Mission: Accomplished.

Same type, no holes, not black. (They were out.) Instead, a pretty pale pink that should look good with the red scarf I am knitting, and hopefully not get lost as easily.

Got these at one of the H&M's on Rue de Rivoli. It's fun to see the Xmas decorations starting to come out in the shopping districts--I hear they will be in full force on Dec. 1. (Amazing this French Restraint--and they don't even have Thanksgiving or Halloween to hold them back!)

Not very exciting, but I feel good about it so thought I'd share.

And home in time to heat up some soup and eat bread with cancoillote nature de Franche-Comté (a really liquidy mild cheese).




At 11:03 AM, November 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a francophile living in Wisconsin, I am LOVING your blog! Keep up the great details!


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