Sunday, November 20, 2005

Thanksgiving: the Good, the Bad and the Stuffed

Wonderful day, spent with wonderful people, eating wonderful food. We had enough food to feed about 40 people, but only had about 20, so there were lots of leftovers, and lots of stuffed bellies (the way Thanksgiving should be!) Although we missed some who were unable to be here, the bunch who made it were a hoot, and we are all thankful that we've found such a neat group to spend time with, halfway across the globe. It was fun to share our family traditions, and to introduce non-Americans to the dishes we grew up with. So...with no further are the results of the Thanksgiving Showdown.

Cranberries (Oklahoma): thumbs up!
Deviled Eggs (Midwest): thumbs up again!
Pumpkin Pie: split. Some hated, some tolerated. I guess this is an acquired taste. I have acquired it, and enjoyed it thoroughly!
Derby Pie (Kentucky): thumbs up! (It has melted chocolate...yummy.)
Hidden Valley Ranch and Crudités: thumbs up-ish. But the Americans were lovin' it.
Norwegian Meatballs (North Dakota): enjoyed greatly (Thanks Mom!)
Stuffing: awesome! Thank you, Sally!
Green Bean Casserole: way good--and not a drop of cream of mushroom soup in it. Tasted SO much better!
Sweet Potatoes (Oklahoma): Mmmm...sweet.
Corn Puddin' (Virginia): Delish, y'all!
Raspberry Pavlova Roll (Australian entry): Mmmmmm...raspberry...
Apple pie;
Turkey and bread: yum! Thank you to the restaurant across the street for helping us out! Turkeys weren't to be found this time of year, but the restaurant guys found some through a wholesaler, and baked us a HUGE bread--this thing was pretty much the size of a bed pillow--a big bed pillow! And Sally's trick of the sopping wet kitchen towel in the turkey, re-wet every twenty minutes, gave us the first moist turkey I think I have ever eaten on Thanksgiving! (Ok, maybe I exaggerate, but it really worked! Weird, but worked!)

I may have missed something, but at this point the triptophan is kicking in (or else I am just pooped), so will close with a few photos. Some of the photos can be found on Flickr, but since my Flickr is full for the month, and since we had to ante up for prescriptions, doctor bills, and home repairs (which will all be reimbursed, but haven't yet), I am not "pro" yet, so will post a few stragglers here. I wish I had captured more, but was enjoying the festivities rather than spending time behind the lens. Check out a few more on my Flickr page.

To all our new friends, thank you for welcoming us into the group, and for being such a great bunch of people. We are truly blessed to have found you.



At 3:26 PM, November 20, 2005, Blogger MilkJam said...

happy thanksgiving! looks like you had a wonderful dinner! but who's appt is that? its HUGE! not enough chairs at my friend's place so its more of a student/floor situation. but excellent quand meme! we're having ours on Friday night, can't wait!

At 3:13 AM, November 21, 2005, Blogger Ronica said...

No apartment--house in the burbs. Actually a 16th century farmhouse, complete with a 12th century wine cellar. They added the floor (no more dirt floor), doors connecting the 2 parts of the house, and a fireplace, of course all with the permission of the historical people. Very cool! We were hosted by the family of one of the guys in the group--dad is french, mom is american. Their son's wife is also american, and due to become a mommy in the next month.

At 3:22 AM, November 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we had a GOOOOOOD time indeed. thank YOU for the MEATBALLS!!!!!!!!!

ps: I'm downloading two pictures to put on my flickr if you don't mind.

At 9:25 AM, November 21, 2005, Blogger Mel said...

Glad to hear you could enjoy your own version of Thanksgiving.. and glad to hear you are still having a great time.
And if you want a free photo site for you blog you can use I used it on mine till I bought a paid membership to imageevent.

Rox's friend, Melissa.

At 1:13 PM, November 21, 2005, Blogger Carol said...

found you through Irene! I was raised in Minnesota and spent a year in Madison. Look forward to reading about your adventures in Paris!

At 5:11 PM, November 21, 2005, Blogger Kat said...

I remember my first Thanksgiving outside the US. It feels odd, but thankfully you have good friends to share it with. It looks like everything was fantastic. You have managed to make such amazing friends in such a short span of time. That is truly amazing!

At 4:04 PM, November 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks like it was fun.. I haven't done thanksgiving in years, my kids don't even know what it' about... have to work on something for next year...


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