Fashion I Hope Doesn't Come Back
I received my January American Glamour magazine a while ago--of course, about 6 weeks after I would have received it in the States. But, I relish its arrival, because I know it offers at least an hour of non-thinking, enjoyable reading.
I was surprised to see that the "latest thing" was to tuck your jeans into your knee-high boots. The Parisians have been doing this for four months, so I really didn't think it was, well, news. It's not a trend I have embraced, as I think it looks rather silly, and secondly, with the proverbial "American thighs"--it's not a trend that looks too flattering on Mrs. B.
It got me wondering though. Is the rest of the world really taking cues from Paris for new fashion trends? Is what I see on the metro going to haunt fashion mags in the following months?
If so, please avoid the latest, that I have seen cropping up most unpleasantly throughout the city. They are retro trends, and ones that should stay retro. As in NEVER, EVER COME BACK. Kind of like the tight corsets and big butt bustles.
They are:
Hammer Pants (in burgundy velvet, no less)
Harem Pants (paired with little gold embroidered and sequined Indian slippers. And the pants were orange.)

Hi Mrs. B! This is my first time to your blog (not sure how I got here *lol*) and I love it! You are living my dream :) living in Paris.
My hubby and I are planning a trip to Paris next year :)
I agree that some fashion trends need not come back! I shudder at the thought of seeing those Hammer pants again. We live in a small town in Oklahoma and the mullet lives on here *How gross is that*?
Have a wonderful day!!
A few years back, my mother found a pair of purple and yellow zebra stripe hammer paints at JC Pennys, and somehow thought they would make a good Christmas present for me. When I opened them, my first thought was "Why in the world would seeing these make you think of me?". She said "I don't know, they kind of reminded me of the Vikings". I'm not a big fan of (American) football, so I never exactly understood why, though I did spend a few days wondering why kind of fashion sense I was giving off to the world!
Oh GOD Please NO!!!!
Eeek! In that pose, it looks like a skirt!
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