Monday, March 27, 2006


In a few days, we leave to visit the city of Nantes, France where Dr. B will be giving an invited talk at one of the CNRS Laboratories. We decided to go together, bring Lucy, get a room, and stay the night--just for fun. Currently, the weather is absolutely gorgeous, so we are hoping it holds out for Thursday and Friday.

So, I am asking...any good Nantes tips for us? Restaurants, must-sees, interesting places to visit, or specialties to purchase or consume? Please, spill! The bank is waiting to be filled... (in more ways than one. Ha.)



At 2:13 AM, March 28, 2006, Blogger Ksam said...

The only reason I go to Nantes is for H&M and Ikea (or to drop someone off at the airport)...but you live in Paris, so both of those, actually all three, are ready at hand and wouldn't be all that exciting for you.

The Château des Ducs always seemed cool - though it's been under renovation EVERY SINGLE TIME I'VE BEEN THERE, so I couldn't tell you what it's like on the inside. Check out their website, I think construction was supposed to be finished in 2006. There's a neat church there too.

At 5:51 PM, March 29, 2006, Blogger PutYourFlareOn said...

I know I won't see you before you go... Have fun! Tell us about Nantes when you get back!


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