North Dakota Vikings Invade Paris

And of course in addition to all the touristy stuff, we've eaten. A lot.
One of the benefits of Pam's terrible allergy to dogs is (at least for us) is that I don't have to cook, and we go out for all of our meals. Dad's treated us to some special experiences, and we've introduced him to some new tastes and styles of cuisine (though his "sensitive stomach" steers him toward the rumsteack et frites most of the time.) Today, while visiting the Musée d'Orsay, we had lunch in the restaurant which remains from the Hotel which was in the building back when it was a train station. The décor dates from the late 1800's, and is full of gilded carvings, crystal chandeliers, 2 story high mirrors and potted palms.
We enjoyed Chinese tonight (Caramel Pork--yummy!), and have discussed possibly eating at the restaurant in the Eiffel Tower, and fondue another night. Perhaps we'll even find something new and exciting during our trip to Calais on Friday.
It is fun to see them learning and appreciating new things that they've never seen before, and trying foods they wouldn't often encounter in Bismarck, ND. Dad has been relieved to find steak and fries on most menus (I've tried to broaden his food horizons, but one can only do so much) but he has found a new beer, Carlsburg, that is "as good as Heineken" (for him, this is quite a revolutionary idea.) Pam has found that she really likes Camembert (the really stinky cheese), but she is convinced that if she lived here in France she would get really, really fat.
I think they are really enjoying their trip, and they will have lots of pictures and stories to share when they return to the land of the Norskies. Tomorrow we are expecting rain, so the Musée de Cluny (my favorite, the medieval museum) is on the plan, and perhaps a return trip to the Louvre.
There are no plans for the Pompidou. Dad wouldn't like most of the modern art, and I am still having nightmares about that meat dress. (Ew.)

If you get the opportunity, go to Le Procope in the 6th. I had a special birthday dinner there when I turned 40 (5 years ago this May) and the service and the food were outstanding. A completely delightful experience and it was fun to eat in the oldest bar/restaurant in Paris, where Ben Franklin, Napoleon and Voltaire once dined or had coffee.
Wow, that sounds like fun. You can tell in the photo they are really enjoying themselves.
Caramel pork? I think I know where you went! YUM!
Hi from one expat to another. Great blog, and have fun playing tour guide :)
You have implemented a "magnifique" blog for those who already love paris (like me) and the rest who try to find out what is this that makes this city so adorable!
Your new fan from Greece,
Thanks! (blushing) :O)
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