
I guess because yesterday was kind of no fun, God or karma or Murphy or whatever decided I deserved a break.
I was asked to take my girls to the coiffeur, and their mom met us there, which meant I was able to leave a little early, and I had a chance to stop in a few of the stores on the way home where I often find deals.
Today (drumroll please) I found 3! (This is amazing for France. Trust me.)
First, I was jonesing for Cadbury Mini Eggs, it being nearly Easter and all. Of course, they weren't available at my local Monoprix, and the fancy candies they did have were pretty pricey (if I want to pay that much, I'll go to a chocolatier) but I did find some really adorable aqua blue sockettes with yellow polka dots, 3 yellow stripes on the top, and a hot pink ankle band. They make my feet look like Easter eggs. I love them.
Then, I went into André Stock. A stock is the french version of an outlet, and ours is only a few blocks from home, so I like to check it every few weeks just to see what's shown up. (Lucy even walks in the door now when we pass by on our walks; I guess I've become regular.) I've learned, if you see it and it's perfect and not too expensive, BUY IT NOW. In France, there are no second chances on bargains. There's no 3rd mark-downs on the clearance. And today, I found the ideal Parisian summer shoes. Black leather, with some cut-outs on the toe, round-toed sort of cross between ballerines and a sandal, with a little strap that goes around my ankle. Perfect. AND half price. (Yippee!)
Then, since I was two for two, I headed over to the outlet across the street. This one is usually feast or famine--a crowded little place about the size of our apartment (in other words, dinky) filled with bins, shelves and racks full of dégriffes or marked down/outlet items, some by famous designers. I found 2 adorable tops for summer, with wide V-necks in front and back and little cap sleeves (one light aqua, one black) for 1.50 euro each. AAAHHH!!! Accidentally got the wrong size in the blue, so will exchange tomorrow, but they totally fit cute. From La Redoute originally. Normally not too expensive, but how can you turn down a 1.50 euro shirt???
AND I'm reading a really good book, I read something that she wrote that made me laugh so hard I nearly cried, the sun shone today and our pork chops were delicious. Somebody up there must like me.
PS Happy Birthday to my little sis. Welcome to the 30-and-up club, Rock!
(Picture borrowed from here.)
Mrs B, you gotta give me the addresses for these outlets. I love shopping for bargains in Paris (now that H&M has gone global).
They are both on Avenue des Gobelins in the 13th, metro Gobelins (line 7). André Stock is at #31, and the other shop is across the street--doesn't look like much. To the left of the linge store. It has "griffe" in the name, but I forget what it's called, and can't find it in the Pages Jaunes.
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