Friday, June 30, 2006

Mrs. B in Luxembourg

Mrs. B in Luxembourg
Originally uploaded by MrsBinParis.
June 30, 2006 was Dr. B's 33rd birthday, and to celebrate, we left Lucy in the capable hands of Flare, and hopped a train to Metz, France. Our friend R met us, and we drove to Luxembourg for the day. We walked around the charming capital city, and visited the castle of the Duchy of Luxembourg. Begun in 963 and carved out of a huge limestone mass, it has been used to defend the duchy for many hundreds of years. It fell into disrepair in the 1800's, and was walled up due to the treaty of London, but was reopened as a historical site in 1933.

Favorite quote of the day:

    "This part of France and Luxembourg look just like Wisconsin, but with castles."
    --Dr. B

We watched Germany trounce Argentina in the World Cup from an Irish Pub in Metz (yes, they are everywhere in the world, not just all over the US), and drove back to her home in Saarbrücken for dinner and the Italy/Ukraine game.

Please take a look at my Flickr page for more photos, and stay tuned for more from Germany and Switzerland!



At 4:10 AM, July 01, 2006, Blogger PutYourFlareOn said...

Happy Belated Bday, Dr. B! Love the quote! I often say that the country side between Paris and Pontarlier looks like Kansas!


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