Weekend Update
Dr. B and I celebrated our 10th anniversary on Thursday with a special dinner out at Le Procope, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. In the Chopin Salon, we dined on traditional french fare, while persistently speaking french to the staff who served us, despite the fact that we were surrounded by Americans, and the staff was happy to speak English. (I wonder if they put us all in the same room on purpose?) The restaurant was founded in the 1600's and is supposedly the oldest still-running restaurant in the world. They advertise that Ben Franklin worked on the American Constitution there, which must be a draw for those who are visiting Paris from the US. I think we really threw the waiter for a loop, when he brought out our first course and realized it was me who ordered the pate en croute (potted spiced meat spread wrapped in a pastry crust) and Dr. B who wanted the tomato and mozzerella salad. Jeff tasted mine, and agreed that though the idea of pate scared him, it tasted pretty awesome, so he bought some at the grocery store the next time we went. Nonetheless, dinner was lovely; we ended our meal with a delightful creme brulee and digestif, and afterwards we walked along the Seine, talking and shooting pictures, in hopes that we'd get something really cool and arty-farty. Here's the best of our efforts; not great, I know, but we'll keep working on it. In the one of me alone, I am sitting in one of the little viewing spots with benches on the Pont Neuf, which you can see behind Dr. B in the photo of him. The Pont Neuf ('new bridge') is the oldest bridge in Paris, and was started in the 1500's. It has recently been cleaned, and looks brand new despite being over 500 years old. The one of the two of us was taken the old fashioned way, and I cropped my arm out of the bottom. (My college photography teacher is probably cursing me right now!) [**Note: I can't get the layout right on this--blogger is being weird--so I'll put these photos at the bottom of the page. I hope they don't cover any text. Sorry!]
Friday was spent helping friends move appliances they had just bought, eating great Italian food for lunch on La Butte aux Cailles, and later picnicing in the Parc de Montsouris with Lucy and Kyliemac joining in on the fun.
After an uneventful Saturday, Sunday dawned, with plans to bike around Paris with our friends and visit the vide grenier (garage sale--literally 'empty attic'), but someone had other ideas. The rain that was so desperately needed in Paris came down, and down and down and down. The biking idea was scrapped, and we figured that the vide-grenier was probably cancelled. Even so, Lucy still needed to be walked, so we headed up to La Butte just in case the sale was still going on. It was! We stopped under the awning to dry off at a funky little cafe that I had visited before with Aimee, Kylie and Lucy. We drank a coffee and discussed our plan of attack before turning around to head back through and dicker on prices for the items we were interested in.
Here they are.

Diamonds may be Forever (Les Diamants sont Eternels), but our time in France isn't. Catch it while we can...

Happy Aniversary! Excellent pic of you and Jeff. Might have to save that for my slideshow for our wedding. :)
You guys are too cute!
bon anniversaire, mes amis! Lovely photos, cool pitcher, awesome james bond stuff!
The dress looks great! Those pics of you two were so cute. AND nice finds this weekend. :)
Congrats on 10 years! You guys are so young to have been married for so long! What an accomplishment. And what a way to spend the big ONE-OH. May you have 10, 20, 30, 40... more lovely years together.
Wow you're gorgeous and you're both very lucky! Congratulations on 10 years together!!
So glad you decided to try Le Procope and it sounds like you had a good time there (despite being seated with all the other Yanks). And it's always good when you can surprise the cynical French waiter... Happy Anniversary to you both, you look very happy together!
Congrats on the anniversary and the great blog! You two do look way too young to be at your 10th anniversary.
But you know what is scary (apart from eating pate)? How they make pate- really scary and inhumane. I won't go into details but trust me it's gross.
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