Home Sweet Home

We've arrived, safe and (at least physically) sound, and are surrounded by a sea of cartons, rediscovering our own possessions (it's like Christmas with each new box!) and hunting desperately for the toaster oven. Our house is absolutely perfect, with walk-in closets in each of the three bedrooms (for a house built over 90 years ago, that's amazing!), nicely painted by the architect owner, and with more kitchen cupboard space than I can fill (which in itself is amazing--I have soooooo much cooking paraphernalia.)
We've had many an adventure already since arriving, which I hope to chronicle soon, but until we get home internet, I'll be using my free time to unpack rather than manically checking my email every five minutes. I hope to be up and running soon, but until then, please be patient. It's coming!
A welcome addition to our group of friends arrived five weeks early (welcome, Baby Eva!), so my substitute position teaching for a friend will begin a little earlier than I expected (gulp!), and I will be back in the Band Director Boots as of next week.
But for now, we've found a local coffee house and coffee roaster only blocks from our home with lightening-fast internet, great espresso, and buttery croissants. It's even named Êtes-Vous Prêts? (Are You Ready?), so a little bit of France has followed me, all the way to Madison. Being Madison, though, the guy behind the counter is super-friendly, has long hair and a beard, and smiles as he hands you your steaming cup of muddy goodness (frankly, much better espresso than I ever found in la ville lumière.)
Welcome home!
Yay! Sounds like you guys are doing well. Keep us posted on your progress and looking forward to hearing your funny antics about re-entry into the motherland. :)
Miss you, hon!
Hey! I'm sorry our paths didn't cross again before you headed home. I can't wait to hear all about your new life in Madison! Of course you're going to continue blogging, right? Right?
Gros bisous a tous les deux! :)
SO glad you're home and getting settled.
Coffee super close to your house, that is priceless!
Hi, hello, howdy, and hey. Welcome back to the good ole USA. I've missed reading your blog and glad to know you arrived home safe and sound. Will be waiting for the next installment in your life in these United States.
Welcome back to the States! I know we're not as sophisticated, and sometimes we're a little overweight, but we're much friendlier as a whole!
Have fun unpacking! It's a pain but there's something to be said for starting anew!
San Diego Mamacita
Welcome back to the States!!!
Melissa (Rox's friend)
Good luck and good wishes to you in your new home, but don't ruin your Parisian memories by bashing.
Glad you made it back safely!
Anonymous--NOT Bashing. Parisian coffee is crap, anyone in Paris will tell you that. I'm just being honest. It's what I do.
There are crappy things in Madison, too. Just wait. I'll share soon.
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