
How to get to Paris, France, from Madison, WI (according to Google Maps.)
Madison, WI Drive: 4,712 mi (about 29 days 21 hours)
1.Head south on CR-D/Fish Hatchery Rd toward Catalpa Rd 0.6 mi 2 mins
(blah blah blah, through WI, IL, OH...)
Passing through Pennsylvania
Entering New York
(Blah Blah Blah)
Entering Massachusetts
(More Blah Blah Blah...)
18.Turn right at Long Wharf 0.1 mi
19. Swim across the Atlantic Ocean 3,462 mi 29 days 0 hours
20.Slight right at E05 0.5 mi 2 mins (A slight right. You know. From the ocean.)
(Blah Blah Blah and many traffic circles later...)
35.Turn left at Place de l'Hôtel de Ville
You gotta try it.
Hi, Mrs B. Enjoyed your blog, especially the Atlantic swim.
I see you like reading. I've written a book called Pond Lane and Paris - do check it out on or .fr if you are interested or on
It's in WHSmiths in rue du Rivoli too - I hope.
best wishes,
Susie V.
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