Friday, March 24, 2006

Ahem, Coiffe coiffe. *Updated*

OK, fine. Here you go--to satisfy the requesters that won't leave me alone!

Did my best, but self-portraiture is not my forté. It's hard to take a 360 degree photo, so you can't see the layers or how it moves, but I hope this gives you an idea of the cut.

And I hope all the hoopla surrounding it doesn't leave you disappointed with the real thing. I have a tendency to, well, exaggerate a bit. I don't fish, so I make up for it elsewhere.

My new haircut, by Min, from Studio 203 on Boulevard Vincent Auriol, Paris 13th Arrondissement, Metro Place d'Italie. Phone number is 01 42 16 83 32.

(And yes, that is my perfect (discontinued) lipstick. I wore it just for the picture. See how much I love you?)


Stupid Murphy struck again.

I hope you liked the picture.

I left for the grocery store, noticing the balmy feel to the air, and pondering leaving my heavy coat at home later. When I walked out of our local centre commerciale, only steps from our door, il pleut. And not just normal Paris drizzly stuff--it was a downpour of big, fat drops, falling fast and furious.

And, of course, I didn't have my umbrella.

I came into our apartment and found Lucy, ready and rarin' for a walk, while water was sheeting off my face, and my hair looked like I had just stepped from the shower. I told her she had to wait, because she hates the rain anyway, and began to put the groceries away.

And wouldn't you know it, only 10 minutes later, the sun is shining.

I am definitely having a Charlie Brown moment. Argh.



At 5:55 AM, March 24, 2006, Blogger KathyMac said...

it looks LOVELY! (as does the color of your disontinued rouge à lèvres). min rocks! (and merci à flare for sharing him!)

At 7:25 AM, March 24, 2006, Blogger Ksam said...

Wow, that IS the color too!

At 8:10 AM, March 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice photo!

At 8:40 AM, March 24, 2006, Blogger Ronica said...

While I sit here with droopy, floppy, flat as a pancake drowned rat hair, I will pipe up to say that the color is natural. I don't dye or highlight. It's due to God and Norwegian-German genes, I guess.

On the bright side, I don't get pressured to spend more on highlights or coloring. I'm thankful for that!

At 10:03 AM, March 24, 2006, Blogger ~steph~ said...

is your hair reddish colour? not the ususal north dakota blonde.

At 10:49 AM, March 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE your Hair!! It's so cute on you. I may have to fly to Paris, I'm in search of a new hairdresser. ;0)
Windy City D

At 11:32 AM, March 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely, and very Parisian chic! THAT's the color I'm always trying to get (and never quite achieve) from my home color kits. I guess you get what you pay for. Thanks for sharing the salon's contact info, I'm making a note!

At 12:00 PM, March 24, 2006, Blogger PutYourFlareOn said...

You're so gosh darn photogenic! I love your new hair! I saw what was going on outside and stayed in. Must get yourself an purse sized umbrella, girlie!

At 12:04 PM, March 24, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

That is one nice haircut!

It really looks great with your hair type and facial features. That Min is awesome!

Love the lipstick too.

At 2:22 PM, March 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect! Lipstick and hair... luv them both! Your Cuz in ND

At 2:40 PM, March 24, 2006, Blogger Ronica said...

Thanks, everyone!

Note: hair is not red at all. Must be your browser or something. It's very much blonde, but ashy in spots and light in others--my highlights are natural. I don't color it. It grows from my head this way. I guess that's to make up for the thighs. (I will NOT be photographing those, thank you very much.)

I have a purse-umbrella, but didn't remember to stick it in my bag, dang it. I think I need one of those Grandma plastic hair bonnet things.

Yeah, right.

At 3:35 PM, March 24, 2006, Blogger Oz said...

Terrific photo! Speaking of rain, it always seems to start pouring when it's time to pick up my children at school...


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